Monoclonal antibodybased serological methods for maize. Both mln and cln are caused by double infection of maize plants by maize chlorotic mottle virus mcmv machlomovirus. Diseases of australian sugarcane field guide robert magarey bses limited l australia. On leaves, scattered areas of lighter green coloration are seen. Response of selected maize inbred germplasm to maize. Sugarcane mosaic definition is an important virus disease of sugarcane characterized by chlorotic streaking of the leaves, stunting of the plants, and a greatly reduced yield of sugar. Chlorotic streak disease csd was first recognised in 1929, and since then there has been research effort from around the world to determine the cause of the disease. Here, we established a protocol of a onestep realtime quantitative reverse transcription pcr realtime qrtpcr using the taqman probe for the detection of scsmv in sugarcane. Saccharum streak virus 9, and sugarcane chlorotic streak virus 10.
Three species ofperkinsiella transmit fiji disease. Maize streak virus 8, saccharum streak virus 9, and sugarcane chlorotic. However, in louisiana, usa, most recent isolates are sorghum mosaic virus previously sugarcane mosaic virus strains h, i and m. Msv is a serious constraint to maize production throughout subsaharan africa, egypt and islands in the indian ocean mauritius, reunion, madagascar, sao tome and principe but also affects other cereals such as oats, wheat, sorghum, millet, finger millet and sugarcane thottappilly et al. What is the abbreviation for sugarcane streak virus. Further analysis revealed that the novel sugarcane infecting virus, tentatively named as sugarcane chlorotic streak virus scsv, arose out of a putative interspecific recombination event involving two grassinfecting mastreviruses, eragrostis streak virus and urochloa streak virus as putative parental sequences. Genetic structure of populations of sugarcane streak mosaic. Pdf sugarcane mosaic virus scmv is one among many viruses that infect. Scientific name, sugarcane chlorotic streak virus tax. The virus cannot be controlled by heat treatments which are effective against chlorotic streak or ratoon stunting disease. The disease is controlled through the use of resistant varieties. A new distribution map is provided for sugarcane chlorotic streak virus wilbrink.
Jan 28, 2018 this video was developed for indonesian sugarcane growers and industry, to raise awareness of sugarcane streak mosaic virus, which does not exist in australia, but poses a risk to the australian. First report of banana streak virus infecting sugarcane. Potyviridae, maize dwarf mosaic virus mdmv or wheat streak mosaic virus wsmv. I was published by elsevier under the auspices of the international society of sugar cane technologists in 1961. Sugarcane diseases, the american phytopathological society list of sugarcane diseases, ikisan agricultural portal diseases in sugarcane, sugarcane handbook, university of florida institute of food and agricultural sciences. First report of sugarcane leaf chlorotic streak disease caused by. Pdf molecular characterization of a new strain of sugarcane. Effect of chlorotic streak disease on the yield of sugarcane. Appropriate positive control samples were used with each test. Maize chlorotic mottle virus exhibits low divergence. Department of crop protection, ahmadu bello university. In this study, two association panels consisting of 94 inbred lines each, from china and the u. On the other hand, mosaic symptoms caused by plant viruses such as sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv, sugarcane mosaic virus scmv, and sorghum mosaic virus srmv are dif. Although 120 diseases of fungal, viral, mycoplasma and bacterial origin have been reported in sugarcane, insect vector associations have been established with virus mycoplasma diseases only.
First report of maize streak virus field infection of sugarcane in. Further analysis revealed that the novel sugarcane infecting virus, tentatively named as sugarcane chlorotic streak virus scsv, arose from a putative interspecific recombination event involving two grassinfecting mastreviruses, eragrostis streak virus and urochloa streak virus, as putative parental sequences. The population structure of both association panels. An extensive volume of sugarcane diseases and their world distribution vol. Scmv and srmv belong to potyvirus in the family potyviridae, while scsmv belongs to poacevirus of the family potyviridae. This is the first report on the molecular characterization of a virus causing mosaic disease of sugarcane in india and the results demonstrate that the virus is a strain of sugarcane streak mosaic. Since the morphological symptoms of scmv are similar to other symptoms caused by sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv. Augustinegrass virus symptoms splotchy, yellow streaking on leaf blades dead spots streaking on leaf blades unhealthy yellowish tinge andor dead turfgrass often excessive weeds december 5, 2014 master gardener hotline desk. Sugarcane mosaic virus scmv is a plant pathogenic virus of the family potyviridae.
The present volume was intended to be a new edition of the book, but so many changes were required that a. Identification of resistance to sugarcane streak mosaic virus. Areas of necrosis frequently develop along the centre of the streak. Seven sugarcane and sorghum leaf samples exhibiting mosaic symptoms and that originated from uttar pradesh, maharashtra and tamil nadu were characterized through rtpcr assays with specific designed primers forsugarcane mosaic virus, scmv f4 and r3,sugarcane streak mosaic virus, scsmvst2 and p1 andsorghum mosaic virus, srmv f3 and r3. At the end of 2017, the plant diagnostic clinic at uftrec discovered that some turfgrass samples from miamidade and monroe county tested positive for sugarcane mosaic virus.
General information about sugarcane chlorotic streak agent sgcst0. Pdf detection and response of sugarcane against the infection of. Meristemtip explants regenerated satisfactorily when treated with a solution of antinecrotic compounds combination of ascorbic acid, cystine. Sugarcane chlorotic streak virus sccsv0overview eppo.
First report of maize streak virus field infection of. Identification of resistance to sugarcane streak mosaic. However, this chlorotic symptom can be the result of a failure in chlorophyll development, due to a virus infection, or a lack of an essential mineral nutrient. Monoclonal antibodybased serological methods for maize chlorotic mottle virus detection in china. Recently, sugarcane plants with streak symptoms have been identified across south africa.
Diseases of australian sugarcane field guide robert magarey bses limited l australia 20. Tombusviridae in combination with any of the cereal viruses in the potyviridae group, sugarcane mosaic virus scmv potyvirus. Mosaic, which causes mottling or spotting of foliage and sometimes curling, dwarfing, and narrowing of the leaves, is due to infection by any of several viruses. Characterization of sugarcane mosaic virus scmv1 and scmv2. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus sstmv, an unassigned member of the family potyviridae, is an emerging cause of sugarcane mosaic disease in asia. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv and sorghum mosaic virus srmv are the two predominant pathogens of mosaic disease in the canegrowing regions of china. The particular symptoms depend on the virus strain, the host cultivar and the environmental conditions, particularly temperature. A new sugarcaneinfecting african streak virus named saccharum streak virus. The virus belongs to the potyvirus family and is commonly found in sugarcane producing areas of the state, although it currently is not a primary concern for sugarcane growers. On the basis of the current taxonomic criteria, all isolates of potyviruses infecting sugarcane in australia have been found to be sugarcane mosaic virus. Typically, mosaic disease in the affected sugarcane shows yellowing and chlorosis on leaves. Distribution of sugarcane mosaic and sugarcane streak.
Continuing to use this website means you agree to our use of cookies. What you should know about sugarcane mosaic virus scmv. As the streaks age they become more regular and take on a yellow hue. Maize streak virus, maize dwarf virus and cucumber mosaic virus agdia, sugarcane mosaic virus bioreba, maize chlorotic mottle virus ac diagnostics, potyvirus dsmz and begomovirus adgen. Meristemtip explants regenerated satisfactorily when treated with a solution of antinecrotic compounds combination of ascorbic acid. Further characterization of maize chlorotic mottle virus and. Allah dad khan provincial coordinator ipm kpk for minfal pakistan 2.
This video was developed for indonesian sugarcane growers and industry, to raise awareness of sugarcane streak mosaic virus, which does not exist in. Oct 10, 2012 elisa tests were carried out for maize streak virus, maize dwarf virus, cucumber mosaic virus, sugarcane mosaic virus, maize chlorotic mottle virus, generic potyvirus and generic begomovirus. Researcharticle a onestep realtime rtpcr assay for the detection and quantitation of sugarcane streak mosaic virus weilinfu,1,2 shengrensun,1 huayingfu,1 rukaichen,1 jinweisu,2 andsanjigao1,3. Maize chlorotic mottle virus mcmv was first reported in maize in china in 2009.
Scsmv is a new pathogen that has been ascertained in recent years. Oct 31, 2015 sugar cane crop diseases a lecture by mr allah dad khan 1. Streak mosaiccaused by sugarcane streak mosaic virus. Sugarcane mosaic definition of sugarcane mosaic by merriam. Information about sugarcane chlorotic streak virus diagnosis, including distribution and treatment advice cookies on plantwise knowledge bank like most websites we use cookies. Scmv is of great concern because of the high economic impact it has on sugarcane and maize. Augustinegrass virus symptoms splotchy, yellow streaking on leaf blades dead spots streak ing on leaf blades unhealthy yellowish tinge andor dead turfgrass often excessive weeds december 5, 2014 master gardener hotline desk. During a disease survey in may and september 2014 at dingdang, guangxi, leaves of sugarcane variety roc22 had chlorotic white streak. Bureau of sugar experiment stations, technical communications no. Maize chlorotic mottle virus mcmv is a positivesense singlestranded rna virus, and the sole member of the machlomovirus genus in the tombusviridae family. Maize streak and maize mosaic viruses were most often found in central 4. Phytoplasmas were previously known as mycoplasmalike organisms mlos.
Elisa tests were carried out for maize streak virus, maize dwarf virus, cucumber mosaic virus, sugarcane mosaic virus, maize chlorotic mottle virus, generic potyvirus and generic begomovirus. Sugar cane crop diseases a lecture by mr allah dad khan. Researchers at sugar research australia sra have made a major breakthrough in determining the cause of a sugarcane disease that has remained a mystery for 87 years. It was first reported in the 1960s in rural palm beach county sugarcane production areas. In this study we further analyzed the epidemiology of mcmv and corn lethal necrosis disease clnd in china. In the early stages of development, streaks are usually fragmented. The virus can change over time and has overcome resistance in sugarcane varieties in the past cp 722086 in the mid1990s. Diseases of australian sugarcane sugar research australia. Sugarcane mosaic virus scmv is distributed worldwide and infects three. However, with the exception of sugarcane white streak virus in barbados. Maize dwarf mosaic disease in different regions of china is caused by sugarcane mosaic virus. Further analysis revealed that the novel sugarcaneinfecting virus, tentatively named as sugarcane chlorotic streak virus scsv, arose from a putative interspecific recombination event involving two grassinfecting mastreviruses, eragrostis streak virus and urochloa streak virus, as putative parental sequences. Extensive recombination challenges the utility of sugarcane mosaic.
Further characterization of maize chlorotic mottle virus and its synergistic interaction with sugarcane mosaic virus in maize skip to main content thank you for visiting. Evidence is presented of the importance of obtaining planting material free from this disease. Further analysis revealed that the novel sugarcaneinfecting virus, tentatively named as sugarcane chlorotic streak virus scsv, arose out of a putative interspecific recombination event involving two grassinfecting mastreviruses, eragrostis streak virus and. Sugarcane mosaic virus scmv causes one of the most severe virus diseases in maize worldwide, resulting in reduced grain and forage yield in susceptible cultivars. Originally prevalent in the midwest and peru in the 1970s, the disease was called corn lethal necrosis cln and was. Furthermore, the mosaic symptoms caused by sugarcane virusessuch as sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv, sugarcane mosaic virus scmv. The disease is endemic in this area of queensland, losses in yield varying with incidence. Unlike the characteristic fine stippling and streaking of ssv, the symptoms resembled the broader, elongated chlorotic lesions commonly observed in wild grasses infected with the related maize streak virus msv. A onestep realtime rtpcr assay for the detection and. A new discovery on chlorotic streak disease has led to a better management system. These streaks, which are usually 36 mm wide, may be short or extend the full length of the leaf blade. Sugarcane chlorotic streak virus sugarcane chlorotic.
A sugarcane plant which has recovered is not only symptomless, but the virus can no longer be detected in the. The disease seemed to disappear when resistant sugarcane varieties were developed with fewer than five positive samples identified by uf turfgrass pathologists between 200320. Response of selected maize inbred germplasm to maize lethal. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel sugarcane streak mastrevirus and an isolate of the astrain of maize streak virus from sugarcane in nigeria zeitschrift. Some control can be achieved by the use of diseasefree seedbeds, intensive roguing and insecticides but the only permanent control lies in the use of resistant varieties. Vi the influence of root temperature on production of leaf symptoms. Sugarcane mosaic disease is mainly caused by the sugarcane mosaic virus scmv, sorghum mosaic virus srmv and sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv. Sstmvfree sugarcane was generated from infected plants by in vitro meristem tip culture technology. Control of mosaic through heat treatment of cuttings is partially effective but is only practical in quarantine situations.
Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature top of page there has been confusion over the taxonomy of maize streak virus msv with regard to synonyms and strains, mainly due to the geographical distribution and host range of the virus. Analysis of complete streak virus genome sequences has revealed that the viruses from sugarcane and panicum share only 63% identity with those from maize. Oct 10, 2012 monoclonal antibodybased serological methods for maize chlorotic mottle virus detection in china jianxiang wu, qiang wang, huan liu, yajuan qian, yan xie, and xueping zhou. Studies with chlorotic streak disease of sugarcane. General information about sugarcane chlorotic streak agent sgcst0 this website uses cookies our website uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel sugarcane. Sugarcane mosaic virus scmv is one among many viruses that infect sugarcane, cause yield loss, and become serious disease agents on sugarcane plantations.
An evaluation of the effect of chlorotic streak disease on. Sugarcane mosaic virus an overview sciencedirect topics. In 2015, 2016, double resistance to scsmv and srmv was identified once a year using a combination of artificial stalkcutting inoculation and rtpcr detection in 71 new elite sugarcane. General information about sugarcane chlorotic streak agent sgcst0 this website uses cookies our website uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best possible online experience. Sra research cracks the mystery on chlorotic streak. Top of page there has been confusion over the taxonomy of maize streak virus msv with regard to synonyms and strains, mainly due to the geographical distribution and host range of the virus. Thirteen species of aphids have been identified to be vectors of mosaic and another bug,assamia moesta westw. First report of maize streak virus field infection of sugarcane in south africa article in plant disease 926. The virus is spread via aphids and the use of infected plant cane. Mlnd occurs when maize chlorotic mottle virus mcmv coinfects the same plant with one of several potyviruses, including sugarcane mosaic virus, wheat streak mosaic virus or maize dwarf mosaic virus. Occurrence of a novel mastrevirus in sugarcane germplasm. The chlorosis is most visible on young leaves, particularly near the base. Maize streak virus, sugarcane strain yellow leaf sugarcane yellow leaf virus protozoan diseases. The sorghum isolates of chlorotic stripe virus were found to be the variants of mstv and.
The classical symptoms are contrasting shades of green on a background of paler green to yellow chlorotic areas. Distribution maps of plant diseases, april edition 4. The virus was first noticed in puerto rico in 1916 and spread rapidly throughout the southern united states in the early 1920s. In the vicinity of affected plantain crops in the localities of andes antioquia and montenegro quindio, we observed sugarcane saccharum officinarum l. An ebook reader can be a software application for use on a computer such as microsofts free reader application, or a booksized computer this is used solely as a reading device such as nuvomedias rocket ebook. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv is responsible for a mosaic disease that is widespread in sugarcane saccharum officinarum and sorghum sorghum spp. Detection and response of sugarcane against the infection. We do not use these to store personal information about you.
Detecting, cloning, and screening for suppressors of rna. Sugarcane crop diseases a presentation to ipm courseffs participants by mr. The foliar tissue of symptomatic plants of these two species was tested for bsv and cucumber mosaic virus cmv by double antibody sandwichenzymelinked immunosorbent assay with commercial polyclonal antisera. Ssv abbreviation stands for sugarcane streak virus. A onestep realtime rtpcr assay for the detection and quantitation of sugarcane streak mosaic virus. Sugarcane mosaic virus disease university of florida. General information about sugarcane chlorotic streak virus sccsv0 this website uses cookies our website uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best possible online experience. Production of a polyclonal antibody against the recombinant. Mosaic is caused by the sugarcane mosaic virus scmv.
Sugarcane chlorotic streak virus sccsv0overview eppo global. It has been noted that some sugarcane plants recover from mosaic. Insect vectors of virus diseases of sugarcane springerlink. Sra research cracks the mystery on chlorotic streak disease. Further characterization of maize chlorotic mottle virus. Sep 26, 2016 researchers at sugar research australia sra have made a major breakthrough in determining the cause of a sugarcane disease that has remained a mystery for 87 years. Sugarcane mosaic disease is caused by the sugarcane streak mosaic virus scsmv. Sereh, a blackening and degeneration of the fanlike tops, is caused by an east indian virus.
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